The Rush to Save Hezbollah from Israel’s Justice

Hezbollah seems to be now so disoriented and enervated that it may not be able to mount a counteroffensive, delaying or even foreclosing on an Israeli ground invasion into southern Lebanon to enforce the United Nations resolutions neither the U.N. nor the Lebanese government observe.


That would be a happy outcome for the West. Western democracies squirm with discomfort whenever Israel vigorously exercises its right to self-defense, but the group it is presently dismantling with extreme precision is a terrorist sect with Western blood on its hands. Israel is meting out long-delayed justice not just in its own name but ours, too. And for this generous dispensation, Israel gets nothing but grief from its supposed allies.

Ed Morrissey

One has reason to question what the West thinks Hezbollah is fighting for. I wrote more about that this morning; the reactions today professing shock that Israel treats Hezbollah like a terrorist group are quite educational about the state of leadership in the West. 

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