The Moral Inversion of Rashida Tlaib—and the Smearing of Dana Nessel

Rashida Tlaib accused Dana Nessel’s office of pursuing a double standard: “It seems that the attorney general decided if the issue was Palestine, she was going to treat it differently, and that alone speaks volumes about possible biases within the agency she runs.”


It wasn’t that long ago that if a progressive lesbian claimed she heard a bigoted dog whistle, most Democrats would take her seriously. But such deference to “lived experience” does not extend to Jews, if the unfolding skirmish between Michigan elected officials is any indication.

The trouble began for Attorney General Dana Nessel (she’s the progressive lesbian) when she had the gall to do her job: namely, to prosecute criminals. The criminals in question were mainly anti-Israel protesters at the University of Michigan who resisted arrest and refused to leave an encampment on the Ann Arbor campus.

Ed Morrissey

'Moral inversion' is putting it gently. Tlaib speaks for evil, and represents the mainstreaming of anti-Semitic progressives in the Democrat Party. "I don't think you have to be Angela Lansbury to figure this out," Nessel told Jake Tapper earlier this week. No, indeed. 

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