Say, Has Kamala Ever Led a Prosecution?

Former Trump administration Department of Justice official Jeff Clark said Wednesday that he cannot find evidence that Vice President Kamala Harris ever personally led the prosecution of a single case at the local or state level.


“I’m looking to see whether she actually ‘first-chaired’ a trial, ever,” Clark told The Charlie Kirk Show on the Real America’s Voice network. “Otherwise, it’s really misleading to call yourself some kind of ace prosecutor.”

Ed Morrissey

I'd say that would be more germane to the election than whether she ever flipped a fry basket at McDonald's. One would think that records of her cases would be pretty easy to find online, but that's not the case for that time period. Clark notes that he might have to do some research in person at courthouses to get an answer to this, but do note that Harris has admittedly exaggerated the number of cases she handled in the past, too.

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