Why Does Walz’s Billionaire Buddy Alex Soros Love Albania’s Narco-State?

For reasons that are difficult to decipher, Alex Soros demonstrates a high degree of interest in Albania, an impoverished Balkan country with fewer than 3 million people that doesn’t chart in the global economy outside crime (Albania’s GDP is less than half of any U.S. state while on a per capita basis it ranks between Armenia and Barbados). That said, Alex Soros spends a lot of time in Albania, hanging out with its longtime Prime Minister Edi Rama. ...


As I’ve reported, Rama’s Albania has become indispensable to the global trade in illegal drugs, especially cocaine, destabilizing countries on multiple continents in the process. The Biden administration possesses a strange tolerance for Rama’s narco-state in Europe, insisting that Socialist Albania is doing a fine fighting crime when the opposite is the truth. Even Rama’s involvement in the shameful corruption of former FBI special agent in charge Charles McGonigal, one of the worst scandals in the history of the bureau, did nothing to tarnish Rama’s reputation with the Biden-Harris administration. 

It’s worth asking if Alex Soros’s friendship with Rama has something to do with this inexplicable leniency in Washington, D.C. 

Ed Morrissey

John is one of the few analysts paying close attention to the Rama regime in Albania. If Alex Soros is backing the regime, then that makes the Walz connection even more of a discussion point. To be fair, it's not clear that the Trump administration was any tougher on Rama, but at least it doesn't appear to have these kinds of connections to the regime. 

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