The Jewish Vote Isn't Up for Grabs. It Should Be.

“Anybody who’s Jewish and loves being Jewish and loves Israel is a fool if they vote for a Democrat,” former President Donald Trump recently told an audience attending the Israeli-American Council summit in Washington, D.C. And if you’re a Jewish supporter of Kamala Harris, the former president went on, “You should have your head examined.”


Every four years, without fail, I’m assured that the Jewish vote is finally up for grabs. Every four years, the prediction turns out to be completely wrong. One strongly suspects 2024 will be no different — though it certainly should be. ...

Growing up in the New York area, I doubt if I knew enough Jewish conservatives to put together a minyan. But like everyone else, Jewish political outlooks are products of environment and history. Each bloc of voters is disinclined to drop generational loyalties. So, I understand why many Jews couldn’t stomach voting for Trump. The fact that they accept the upsurge of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment within their own party is a different story. 

Ed Morrissey

As David points out, Biden won 68% of the Jewish vote in 2020, which was already a decline from previous Democrat support levels of close to 80%. Biden at least had connections to previous alliances; Harris doesn't. One has to wonder how well that demographic will hold up in November. 

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