James O'Keefe Issued Trespass Notice in Vermont

On 09/21/2024, around 7:15 PM, a member of the Vermont State Police was approached while parked on along a road in Jericho by James O’Keefe and two other individuals. They had arrived in the same white van that was reported to be involved in the earlier incident in Derby. The van was parked partially on the road surface a short distance from where the Trooper in his cruiser was parked. Vermont statutes require an operator of a motor vehicle to be in possession of their license certificate. Mr. O’Keefe verbally identified himself and subsequently provided a government issued ID.


Mr. O’Keefe was in possession of a microphone and the other individuals appeared to be recording the encounter. During the interaction, Mr. O’Keefe asked the Vermont State Police Trooper why he was parked in that location and offered that he was seeking to ask questions of select individuals about a topic he was to be covering in an upcoming production. As part of the encounter, the Vermont State Police issued Mr. O’Keefe a notice of trespass as had been requested. No other enforcement action was taken and the group then departed.

Ed Morrissey

Stay tuned, because O'Keefe is promising "something big" on a potential northern-border story:

Getting trespassed is not a big deal, by the way. It just means the resident doesn't want them coming back on his property. 

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