More Video Surfaces of Kamala Harris Promising to Ban Fracking


“Climate change is the single greatest threat facing our world today,” she told Jimmy Fallon during a Tonight Show appearance. “That’s why I am committed to passing a Green New Deal, creating clean jobs and finally putting an end to fracking once and for all.”

Banning fracking is bad enough. The Green New Deal is a fascist nightmare determined to destroy our economy through government control all in the name of saving a planet that is doing just fine.

What’s crucial about the timing of this video is that she was running for president then. That was her presidential agenda. If you recall, at the time, she flamed out as a 2020 presidential contender before a single primary vote was taken, but that wasn’t due to her policies. It was because she was a terrible candidate, which is just as true today. Unfortunately, today, she has billions of dollars in corporate media propaganda behind her and a Donald Trump whose lack of discipline ensures he keeps stepping on rakes.

Ed Morrissey

Great find by my pal John. If this is from the 2020 cycle, it probably doesn't move the needle much, but still worth disseminating. If we find a Kamala video attacking fracking during the Biden administration, it will have more impact. 

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