The Greatest Threat to American Spies is Their Own Leadership

You know it’s not going well when Salon, which is nobody’s idea of a right-wing rag that’s out to smear Democrats, starts its report on how Biden’s IC has handled the AHI issue thus: “CIA has consistently lied to the American public about anomalous health incidents for the last several years and may be guilty of obstruction of justice.” That statement is true, indeed derived from an IC whistleblower’s complaint against Biden’s IC that was recently obtained, in redacted form, by the James Madison Project, via a Freedom of Information Act request. As Salon explained on Sept. 16, this detailed whistleblower complaint constitutes a game-changer in the AHI debate since it plainly demonstrates that the issue is far from settled: “The information just released by the government…shows that Congress and the FBI were among the government institutions that were either lied to or information was withheld from them.”


I must strongly agree, since I have that whistleblower complaint before me right now. Dated Mar. 15, 2023, it’s 26 pages long and somewhat redacted because its original classification was SECRET/NOFORN. However, a veteran spook who’s acquainted with the AHI issue and how it’s been handled by the IC can make educated guesses about what’s been blacked out. What’s visible is devastating enough.

Ed Morrissey

John has this outside the paywall, so be sure to read it all. The Havana Syndrome cover-up is inexplicable, except as a way to keep from exposing the incompetence of those in charge of intel services and the White House. And exposure of the reality of the attacks would force action by US agencies, which apparently they prefer to avoid. 

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