Juries, Prosecutors and the Rule of Law

And to my delight, the teaser for the episode broke out the class warfare point I’ve made in my The Judiciary’s Class Warfare book, which the hosts seemed to find fascinating as well.  They seemed quite receptive to my points (see about 4:00 in) and in particular to the class warfare angle. 


In fact, even if you’re not interested in juries, criminal law, or fighting tyranny, it’s worth listening to in part simply as an example of the kind of open discussion that used to be more common.  I listened to this on the way home from a board meeting of the Institute for American Civics as the Baker School of politics at the University of Tennessee, where we were talking about trying to restart civil discussion.  I wish there were more media like this.

Ed Morrissey

This one's on my list! 

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