UK PM Aide Gets Paid More than Starmer?

Sir Keir Starmer’s chief of staff received a pay rise after the election which means she is now paid more than the prime minister.

The BBC has been told that Sue Gray asked for and was given a salary of £170,000 - £3,000 more than the PM and more than any cabinet minister – or her Conservative predecessor.


One source told the BBC: “It was suggested that she might want to go for a few thousand pounds less than the prime minister to avoid this very story. She declined.”

Ed Morrissey

If that sounds ridiculous, well, it is -- but we may not have room to point fingers. One may recall that Anthony Fauci got paid more than the US president -- for several years, starting in 2019. Last we checked, Fauci got past $435,000+ per year, as opposed to the $400K presidential salary that both Donald Trump and Joe Biden received. 

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