Media Victim-Blaming Fuels Chaos

It’s clear that the media thinks that another news cycle about a Trump assassination this close to the Nov. 5 election has to be downplayed. It’s double bad that the would-be assassin Sunday has a record of donating to Democrats and copied the Biden-Harris campaign message about Trump being a threat to “democracy.”


The legacy media seem particularly agitated that Trump gets to adopt the “language of victimhood,” as one author put it in the Guardian, a London-based newspaper. That’s usually the Left’s favorite language. No fair!

Trump in this case was the direct, twice-over victim. That makes no difference to a hostile media. The language of victimhood is all about power, not about actual victims.

So how do they solve the Trump-as-victim conundrum?

Ed Morrissey

By arguing that his skirt is too short, essentially. 

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