Kamala Harris Delivers Word Salad on Israel, Spars With Black Journalists During Panel Discussion

During one exchange, moderator Tanya Mosley of Philadelphia radio station WHYY asked Harris where she draws "the line between" Israel's "aggression and defense." After saying there was "a lot to unpack" in the question, Harris touted her belief that the Jewish state "has a right to defend itself." Mosley pressed Harris to answer the question. Harris did not take it well.


"No, no, let me finish," she responded. "It's important to put it in context, which is what I'm doing, and I'll get to that."

Ed Morrissey

Click over to watch the video. I had heard that the panel appearance didn't go well for Harris, but this seems more like her run-of-the-mill substance avoidance rather than disaster. This was the only real contentious exchange with the NABJ, I believe, except for a response on gun control. 

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