'Bitter Clingers' Celebrate Constitution Day

For those few bitter clingers who still care, Happy Constitution Day. On this date in 1787, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution in Philadelphia. For those of us who cherish the Founding Fathers this is an important day. For those who despise free speech, armed citizens, and (gasp) The Electoral College, this is a day that they would like to see wiped away. This day would be replaced with GOVERNMENT PLANS FOR YOU. We bitter clingers prefer the proscription against government plans.


Kamala Harris outlines one of the many reasons why we love Trump:

The very idea that anyone in the government has plans for ME terrifies me. I hear, “Up against the wall, Citizen Williams.” That’s why bitter clingers like me celebrate The Constitution. We love living in a Constitutional Republic.

I was today years old when I learned that the Constitutional Convention had a “Committee on Style”.

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