Tomboy Nationalism

At six years old, I was squarely in the middle between two older cousins (both boys), two younger brothers, and a younger cousin—again, a boy. Naturally, I wanted to be like everyone else in the family. I had grown into a vivacious tomboy who did not believe in dresses, hairbrushes, or pink. My mother understood this and knew what I meant when I said I “wanted to be a boy.” She did the only thing she could do: let me to grow out of my phase. Which I did. Mostly.  


Back in 2006, wanting to be a boy was harmless enough. Trans children were few and far between, and nobody’s political program functionally entailed the elimination of tomboys. Nowadays, a girl like me living in California might expect state intervention. It’s not impossible to imagine myself getting a medical transition against my parents’ wishes. 

For parents in Montana, Indiana, and California, this horror has become reality. And soon the same nightmare may come for parents and children nationwide. 

Ed Morrissey

Hunt observes that Democrats don't respect parental rights in the slightest, and urges Republicans to make this a key message in the election. There is something to be said for that idea, but Republicans probably are best advised to stick to the core issues driving public sentiment at the moment -- the economy, immigration, and crime -- in the final weeks of a tight election. 

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