Harvard Teaches 9th-Grade Math

Actually, “students who don’t belong at Harvard” isn’t really fair, because whatever Harvard might have once been, there is nothing “elite” about those who get admitted to Harvard any longer. With a student body heavily composed of privileged nepots whose parents purchased their enrollments, affirmative action admits, and Jew-hating foreigners, Harvard is more odious than elite these days.


So it’s not surprising that Harvard is having to introduce remedial math classes to bring its very special student body up to par with the proficiency level expected of 9th graders in a typical American suburb. ...

Many thousands of students not accepted into “elite” Ivy League schools are heading off to college without the need for remedial math tutoring. I don’t know for a fact that every student admitted to a Kennesaw State or a Western Kentucky is smarter than the typical Harvard enrollee, but I do know that if I hire a Kennesaw State grad, I won’t likely be dealing with a toxic combination of ignorance, arrogance, and entitlement.

Ed Morrissey

True story: In 1980-81, I was a student member of the Cal State Fullerton Curriculum Committee, which at that time proposed adding remedial English and math courses. (We called them '099' courses, below the introductory college level.) Some of us wondered why a 4-year university -- even a state university -- would accept students without college-level knowledge of this subject matter. Those students would do better, we argued, by going to a community college for remedial work on basic subjects. 

We lost that argument at CSU Fullerton. I can't say I'm shocked to see Harvard adopt it, but I'm still surprised that they would admit students without such basic education in math. And I'd guess that this is related to their DEI admissions policies to some degree, too. 

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