ABC’s Bias Deprived Voters of a Fair Debate

When referees put their thumbs on the scale, the game changes. The results have to be thrown out, we are robbed of our time, and democracy is drained of its meaning. A presidential debate shouldn’t be a staged wrestling match. It should feature two candidates on a level playing field so voters can make up their minds free of interference. Anything less makes a mockery of our institutions. ABC should have fact-checked both candidates or neither. Fact-checking only one was the worst possible decision. Even a Democrat can tell a whopper.


Time and again we find that supposedly neutral democratic institutions have been corrupted by bias. Debate moderators must check their biases and seek to be scrupulously fair, or they shouldn’t do the job. They should observe strict rules and come from a variety of networks. Most important, they shouldn’t interfere but rather trust voters to make their own decisions. ABC undermined the system for everyone.

Ed Morrissey

And did so deliberately. Adam and I talked about it in our Amiable Skeptics episode today, and Duane and I talk about it more briefly in our Week in Review episode coming up later today. But I think the final effect will be to kill the idea of presidential debates ... and especially on ABC/Disney platforms. What Republican in his right mind would appear in one after the debacle this week?

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