Harris' Shameful Lie About Troops in Combat Zones

The Department of Defense has an official designation of active war zones, and currently, these include Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and Libya. You may remember that three reservists were killed at a undermanned and poorly defended outpost in Syria earlier this year. We have 2,500 troops in Iraq. Seven of them were hurt in an ISIS raid earlier this year. We have hundreds of troops in Syria. The U.S. Navy has a significant portion of its fleet engaged with Houthi fighters around Yemen. ...


[I]t is outrageous for a would-be commander in chief to leave men and women who are risking their lives unacknowledged.

Ed Morrissey

It is the equivalent of Biden claiming that no US troops have died under his command. It's just as false, and just as egregious, and just as unchecked by the "moderators" in last night's debate. 

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