If True, Be Afraid - Be VERY Afraid

Beege Welborn

Entirely plausible.

And entirely terrifying.

A ex-girlfriend accused Ellison of domestic abuse in 2018 and had some pretty graphic photos of her face as evidence.

What happened to Ellison?

It seems the police couldn't investigate the case because of a 'conflict of interest,' so...nothing.

The Minneapolis Police Department said Wednesday that it won’t investigate domestic abuse allegations against Rep. Keith Ellison due to a conflict of interest.

State Democratic officials asked Minneapolis police to conduct an investigation after an attorney with links to the party found an ex-girlfriend’s claims unsubstantiated.

Minneapolis police said they won’t handle the matter due to a conflict, or the appearance of a conflict, and they are talking with other agencies to see where they can refer the case. The department didn’t elaborate on the conflict.

GOD, they're so dirty, you want to scrub your hands raw after just reading it.

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