Cuba Intensifies Communist Doctrinal Content in First Grade Textbooks

From our Bureau of Socialist Weaponized Classrooms with some assistance from our Ministry of Brainwashing Bureau

Castro, Inc. began to weaponize Cuba’s education system as soon as it took control of all schools on the island in 1961. I’m old enough to remember when this took place, which is the chief reason my parents decided to send my brother and me to the U.S. as quickly as possible. I remember very clearly how even the math textbooks were politicized. How about this math problem, which I remember word for word:.


“Before the glorious Revolution freed our nation from capitalist exploitation, Juan Gomez used to pay his greedy landlord 100 pesos a month for rent. Now, thanks to the Urban Reform, he only has to pay 10 pesos. What percentage reduction in rent is Juan Gomez enjoying now?”

And now, we are being told that in 2024 this kind of indoctrination has become more intense than ever. Can’t imagine how anyone could make that kind of brainwashing more intense. Leave to Castro, Inc. to do so. Lord have mercy.

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