McLaughlin Poll: Trump Leads Harris by 2

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump leads Democrat challenger Kamala Harris by 2 points among likely voters, according to a recent poll released by McLaughlin & Associates.


Trump leads Harris 49% to 47% head-to-head among likely voters, according to the poll released Sunday. Among less likely voters, Harris leads Trump 43% to 36% with 21% undecided.

Among registered voters, Trump and Harris are tied at 47% apiece head-to-head, according to the survey. Harris improves over President Joe Biden with young women and Black voters in that model. Harris also leads Trump among independents, 44% to 42%, according to the poll.

Ed Morrissey

I wonder if her lack of transparency is already hurting her. The burst of enthusiasm has ebbed, and now voters want substance. If Harris can't provide it, then voters will lose enthusiasm pretty quickly, and that may already have started. 

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