Kamala's Banana Republic Approach to Free Speech

In 2019, Vice President Kamala Harris told CNN’s Jake Tapper that social media companies “are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and it has to stop.”


Does it?

Every two-bit authoritarian in history has justified censoring its citizens as a way of protecting them from the menace of disinformation.

But social media sites, contra the reliably illiberal Harris, aren’t “directly speaking” to anyone. Millions of individuals are interacting and speaking to millions of other individuals. Really, that’s what grinds the modern Left’s gears: unsupervised conversations.

Ed Morrissey

Be sure to read it all. Let's hope that the Trump campaign can pick up on this and make an effective argument. This ties into his argument about her being a crypto-Marxist too, but it will take some work to connect those dots. 

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