Kamala Harris Scrambling to Defend Blue States

The campaign is sending Harris and her top surrogates — ticket mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and husband Doug Emhoff — to blue states after a weekend of planned swing state visits.


On Wednesday, Harris will reportedly visit New Hampshire — where she enjoyed only a four-point advantage, according to an Emerson College/WHDH survey before the convention — for a campaign event yet to be announced. Walz will be in his home state of Minnesota, where Trump has cut Harris’s lead from ten to only five points since Walz joined the ticket, according to two KTSP/SurveyUSA polls. Emhoff will reportedly cross the Potomac River for a fundraising trip in Virginia, another state where Trump has polled unexpectedly strong in the 2024 cycle.

Ed Morrissey

These may be fundraising trips with campaign events tossed in, but it's still notable. Harris hasn't been the candidate long enough for Tier 2 appearances, so to speak; she needs to concentrate on battlegrounds. If the whole campaign is spending this much time on these states now, that may be a signal of desperation. 

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