Harris Obsession With Non-Scandals Reveals Desperation

Gold Star families are the surviving relatives of service members killed in the line of duty. Trump met with them at Arlington Cemetery on the anniversary of their loved ones’ loss — the Kabul airport suicide bombing during the disastrously incompetent August 2021 surprise evacuation of Afghanistan — and posed for pictures with the families. This was apparently in technical violation of a federal Park Police regulation that says you cannot take photographs in one specific area (“Section 60”) where recent U.S. war dead are buried. Only federal staff members are allowed to do so — and they have done so frequently for Biden, Harris, Trump, Pence, Obama, Clinton, and many other political eminences (and for their reelection campaigns as well) over the years. But Trump, of course, is (currently) not president, just a nominee. So what Biden or Harris can do, he cannot.


That is the sum total of the purported scandal. 

Ed Morrissey

The media has gone all-in on carrying this particular scandal water, even as the Gold Star families push back. That tells you something about their desperation, too. 

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