The Secret Service Has a 'Culture of Deception'

Joining me now to discuss the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump and the fallout from the Secret Service is Jason Chaffetz. Jason, thank you for joining the show.


Jason Chaffetz: Hey, thanks for having me. Appreciate it.

Devlin: So first, we just glance right over the fact that there was an attempt on the former president’s life. Take me back to that day, July 13. Where were you when you heard about it? Did you see it live? And what did you think when you saw the president’s near brush with death?

Chaffetz: Well, I was actually at Fox News. I was going to host the show that was supposed to come on at the conclusion of President Trump’s remarks. And as we were sitting there watching the TV, we had gotten all ready, we’re getting ready to go sit down in the studio. All of a sudden, something happened and the president was down.

And when it was happening in real time, it was obvious that he had gotten hit. And it wasn’t so clear that he was getting back up. And when he did get up and he raised that fist up, I still got goosebumps in this, like, “Oh, my gosh, but is he really going to be OK?” Sometimes somebody who’s shot, you don’t know the severity of it. And the extraction seemed to take a long time.

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