The Great Pacific War You Need to be Ready For

So, with our industrial capacity only a fraction of what it was 85 years ago, and our allies’ industrial capacity in even worse shape…how would we find the capabilities we know we will need to push the fight?


Who, if anyone, would we be able to rely on? How? With what?

Do we abandon the field, or do we push the fight forward?

Ed Morrissey

I've often argued that the conversion of the American economy to a service/info system rather than manufacturing is a national-security risk. We need to rethink everything, especially education. We don't produce well-trained men and women for a manufacturing economy, and we don't allow for the extraction and use of natural resources needed to make it work. It's not just building a 350-ship Navy, which we can't do at the moment anyway, but replacing losses in real time. 

We are no longer the Arsenal of Democracy, and that makes us weaker than we have been in a century or more. 

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