The Dem Plan to Restore the Higher Education Indoctrination Industrial Complex

Consider the party’s 2024 party platform. The section “Making Higher Education Accessible and Affordable” advances two aims central to the party’s very existence: promoting political indoctrination and rewarding one of the party’s most crucial allies, college professors.


Today’s college campus is, with scant exception, a key instrument for pushing youngsters leftward so even physics majors must take course in the humanities and social sciences where they will learn how America was built on slavery with land stolen from the noble indigenous people while women continue to be oppressed by the white patriarchy.

Campus propaganda works.

Ed Morrissey

Our agenda should be to end all federal supports for Academia, across the board. No more tuition support either through student loans or grants, no more research grants, no more mandates not grounded in statutory law. Force universities to survive on their own with pricing signals fully restored, and see how long they last as indoctrination centers. 

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