Prepare To Be Unsettled

Whether the "invaders" have replaced the indigenous people, constitute a majority, or make up a minority, they need to go. And it matters not at all whether the settler-colonialists envision a shared, inclusive, multicultural society to be enjoyed by all. Such an approach is considered merely "transfer by assimilation," one of many categories of destroying indigenous people. What’s more, you are an unwelcome settler-colonialist, whether your ancestors were the invaders or were brought to the conquered land in bondage. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, African-American descendants of slaves "benefit from the settler-colonial system as it stands today," which doesn’t bode well for their futurity. As Kirsch quotes the historian Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, "The desire to relieve the non-European migrant or descendants of enslaved Africans from responsibility is understandable but not sustainable if the settler-colonial foundation is to be eradicated."


There’s nothing that settler-colonialist thinkers more urgently wish to eradicate than the State of Israel. The exterminationist rhetoric of the woke jihad on American campuses and streets is not to be taken metaphorically. And in defining Israel as a settler-colonial state, radical academics compound their delusion with perversion. If any people can legitimately claim indigeneity to any piece of land on this planet, it’s the Jews to Israel.

Ed Morrissey

Be sure to read it all. The warning about taking this both literally and seriously cannot be over-emphasized. The radical Left and Academia really want to put this rhetoric into action. 

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