The YouTuber Inadvertently Proving Conservatives Right About Work and Welfare

I want, reluctantly, to introduce you to Dontay London. He’s a young man, a single father, and an aspiring YouTuber, and without intending to, he’s accidentally proven a basic tenet of conservatism.


That is the claim that expanding welfare encourages laziness and sloth.

This is an important debate because those on the left get very angry at us on the right and accuse us of being heartless and evil to the poor. They believe that just giving people money helps them out and the majority of people suffering poverty do so without any personal responsibility.

Enter Dontay London.

I’ve been watching his videos for a while, and each one gets me angrier and angrier. He is actually a pretty charming guy at times and seems really nice, but at the heart of his videos is the idea that he deserves to be on welfare because he’s a nice guy and he wants more for his life.

Unlike all of us losers who settle for a regular job and actually pay our bills.

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