Exploding the Left’s ‘Language Virus’

The modern left is unabashed about wielding language as a virus—or, really, as a form of control. “Supercut” videos by critics of corporate leftist media, like Tom Eliot, reveal the media figures and politicians repeating the same words and slogans over and over again: President Joe Biden, despite drooling on himself, is “sharp.” Kamala Harris has brought the “Joy, joy, joy” back into politics. Conservatives are “weird.” Abortion is “healthcare.” These word storms rip through the country via television, radio, and social media, infecting hosts from D.C. to California. Millions of people mindlessly repeat them as if they have been infected with some kind of mentally impairing disease. It’s a virus worse than COVID.


So how to fight the language virus? According to Burroughs, language can also be used to liberate.

Ed Morrissey

George Orwell made the point very clear in 1984. The INGSOC regime relied on language manipulation to keep control over the population. "Newspeak" evolved constantly, manipulated by the tyrants in order to keep the populace confused and contradicted. The Left has been attempting to manipulate language to shut down dissent and debate for decades, and have largely succeeded. 

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