‘Reagan’ and the Future of Conservative Hollywood

It’s amazing that more than 70 years after Joe McCarthy went after communists (with a lot of evidence, even if recklessly), the Hollywood Left is retelling (and retelling and retelling) his story. There have been countless movies, TV shows, books, and documentaries on McCarthy. Just a couple of weeks ago, the New York Times ran an essay comparing former President Donald Trump and the MAGA movement to McCarthyism.


However, in 2024, there is some conservative competition to Hollywood liberalism. This week, Reagan, a biopic of the beloved 40th president of the United States, is being released. The film stars Dennis Quaid and has gotten good reviews. 

Ed Morrissey

Be sure to read this all, especially for an update on the film version of Mark's book The Devil's Triangle. WashEx is now requiring a login to access its material but it is not a paywall. 

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