Color me not at all shocked. The Gold Star Families of the thirteen service members killed at Abbey Gate have not been contacted by the meat puppets in the White House. Not one time in the past three years have Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Lloyd Austin, or any of the other anime avatars in this administration contacted the families of those killed or those grievously wounded. Why would they? They were the people Joe Biden called “stupid bastards”.
We know that no one was surprised when Biden and Harris didn’t go to the Wreath Laying Ceremony yesterday. Harris can never be bothered and Joe was busy at the beach. Joe Biden will go down in history as feckless. Not flat evil like Woodrow Wilson. Just irresponsible and unaccountable. That’s Biden.
It’s clear that the families remain justifiably angry and resentful. The Washington Free Beacon reported the Gold Star Families thoughts and feelings from a telephone press conference organized by the Trump Presidential Campaign:
Alicia Lopez, the Gold Star mother of Marine Corporal Hunter Lopez, 22, criticized what she saw as a “lack of responsibility taken by the administration of both Harris and Biden,” and a failure to investigate the mistakes behind the withdrawal.
“For them to think that it’s okay, and to treat it as another page in the book that they’re just flipping over for the next chapter, it saddens me and frightens me, all at the same time,” she said.
Biden and Harris have turned the page and closed the book. Joe won’t even read the Afghanistan After Action Report:
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