There’s something I’ve learned to do with Trump when he utters uncomfortable things - which he does frequently. The instinct of the modern American, particularly in the intellectual class, is to clutch one’s pearls and declare the questionable utterances “unhelpful” or “Trump’s ego in action.” It can end there, if you let it. But I’ve learned to ask, “Is it true?”
Nine times out of ten, if you look past the uncomfortable bluntness of Donald Trump and just evaluate the thought he’s conveying, he is saying something true.
So, when I heard him being (seemingly) petty about Kamala’s race case, I first cringed and then asked, “Well, is it true? Does it matter if Kamala considers herself black or not?”
I’ve thought about that for a while now and I’ve come to the conclusion that, yes, it does matter. And yes, Trump is right to bring it up.
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