Three Years Later: No One Has Resigned Over Kabul Disgrace

Today is the third anniversary of the deadly American withdrawal from Afghanistan, when a suicide bombing at Hamid Karzai International Airport killed 13 service members in the most humiliating foreign policy failure of the Biden administration. Not one senior official resigned or was fired.


The same major members of the foreign policy team in the White House today, including the secretary of defense, the secretary of state, and the national security adviser, remain in their roles despite the debacle in Afghanistan — a debacle from which the president’s approval rating never recovered.

Ed Morrissey

Even just politically, this is inexplicable. There's no doubt that this was bungled badly, so badly that America ran out on 14,000 Americans in Afghanistan, as well as tens of thousands of our allies. It would have been easy to fire someone and have them take most of the political blame, and yet Biden-Harris did absolutely nothing, for any reason. 

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