RFK Now Running Against Dems and Media

“What alarms me,” he continued, “is the resort to censorship and media control and the weaponization of the federal agencies. When a U.S. president colludes with or outright coerces media companies to censor political speech, it’s an attack on our most sacred right of free expression and that’s the very right upon which all our other constitutional rights rest.”


“Our television networks exposed themselves as Democratic Party organs over the course of more than a year in a campaign where my poll numbers reached at times in the high 20s,” he said. He referred to them as “the DNC-aligned mainstream media networks.” He contrasted his own experience with them over the past 16 months with that of Ross Perot in 1992. “Representatives of those networks are in this room right now,” he added. “The mainstream media has joined this systemic attack on democracy.”

It’s a powerful statement undermining the pretensions of the Democratic Party and the mainstream media, for that matter. 

Ed Morrissey

Like Scott, RFK lost me at the "neocons" and fringy health theories, but that's not the main issue. Kennedy made clear what the main issue is -- a Democrat Party bent on authoritarian rule and a media industry bent on helping them achieve it. 

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