Kamala Harris: Tribune of the Elites

Harris may be many unpleasant things, but being a serious Stalinist is not one of them. Throughout her career she has been one thing – an ambitious operative of the oligarchs, government bureaucrats and urban warlords who dominate today’s Democratic Party.


As she edges closer to power, Harris has been miraculously resurrected as the ‘only hope’ by leftist media like the Guardian and the Los Angeles Times. Places like the Nation, which claims Harris represents the ‘end of the neoliberal era centrist consensus’, are perhaps even more deluded than Harris’s right-wing critics.

Harris was introduced to the San Francisco elite in the 1990s by her former lover, California’s longtime assembly speaker and former San Francisco mayor. She has never been a grassroots candidate with a strong working-class or minority base. Rather, she is the creation of a cabal of elite capitalists, their media megaphones and a network of nonprofits capable of producing hundreds of millions of dollars for progressive causes.

Ed Morrissey

Given her rhetoric and some of her policy impulses over the years, I'd say the Marxist label still applies too. Price caps, for instance, are a big part of the Marxist/socialist appeal. And one does not need to be a Goldwaterite in their 80s (a clever turn of phrase by Kotkin, admittedly) to recognize the patterns of Marxists and socialists. We have a great example unfolding in Venezuela, one that basically follows the F.A. Hayek model in The Road to Serfdom.

Kotkin's correct about being a tool of the oligarchy, but the progressive oligarchy is increasingly Marxist too, at least culturally if not functionally. 

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