University of Nebraska-Lincoln Shuts Down DEI Office, Cuts $320K Vice Chancellor

In an email, UNL Chancellor Rodney Bennett said to the campus community on Tuesday that the Office of Diversity and Inclusion will be closing, according to the Lincoln Journal-Star.


The change also means the university’s vice chancellor for diversity and inclusion position, held by Marco Barker, will be eliminated come December. Including benefits, Barker’s salary is almost $320,000.

$750,000 will also go back into the university’s overall budget, which was previously allocated for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

Ed Morrissey

Sounds like a million-dollar win to me. The university is claiming that its DEI initiatives have already accomplished their mission and no longer need to be "centralized" in an office, however, which gives the impression that UNL just wants to make its discriminatory practices tougher to target. 

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