Former Walz Supporter: He 'Flipped Out' When Questioned About Vaccine Mandates

O’Reilly says he decided to raise a concern with the governor that had been brewing among his 2,000 union members: the vaccine mandate.

“Walz said, ‘no, no, no, no, I don’t have anything to do with that, you guys are private unions,’” recounted O’Reilly, describing Walz’s response as noticeably agitated.


“I said, ‘yes, you do, because you signed the executive order mandating vaccines for government employees, and that has real repercussions for our members and workers,'” stated O’Reilly.

O’Reilly then asked whether the phrase “my body, my choice” applied to the vaccine, a question he says sent Walz through the roof.

“That’s when he flipped out.”

Ed Morrissey

Authoritarians don't like being questioned or held accountable. Walz is no exception. Be sure to read it all, but let's not forget how Joe Biden reacts when he's challenged on his policies, too.

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