In the late 1970s, "Saturday Night Live" ran a sketch with Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor in which the black and white comedians engaged in a word association game that consisted of them hurling racial slurs at each other, culminating in the racial slur.
It was hilarious and something that would never be broadcast today. But what can be broadcast today was the bizarre "white guy taco" comedy skit that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz released this week.
In the clearly scripted and cringworthy clip, Harris asks Walz if, as a white guy, his tacos consist of mayonnaise and tuna. Then folksy old Tim chuckles and says something about how black pepper is the hottest thing he, as a white guy, eats.
Setting aside the fact that white people eat spicy foods like buffalo wings at a rate that boggles the mind, this bit exposes the hypocrisy of the progressive left’s view of race.
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