Democrats Try Pushing Greens Off Ballot in WI

In the complaint, Democratic National Committee Deputy Operations Director in Wisconsin David Strange alleges that the Green Party does not have anyone who would be allowed by state law to be a nominator for the Green Party's presidential electors -- meaning they cannot give a valid list of presidential electors, voiding their eligibility on the ticket. ...


In the complaint, Strange writes that Wisconsin law requires the people nominating electors to be the political party's state legislative candidates or legislators of the party. There are no Green Party legislators in Wisconsin.

"The August 13, 2024 primary was the last opportunity for [Wisconsin Green Party] to nominate a candidate for Wisconsin Senate or Assembly before the 2024 general election. But, WGP failed to nominate any candidates for Wisconsin Senate or Assembly, and a sufficient number of electors did not nominate a candidate by writing in any WGP candidate for Wisconsin Senate or Assembly," Strange wrote in the complaint.

Ed Morrissey

So much for "defending democracy," eh? 

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