'Trump Still Holds the Fundamentals'

Despite the political media focus on the theater and drama of changing candidates, Americans continue to report the main issues facing the country are economic in nature. A plurality of Americans consistently identify inflation as the most pressing problem facing the nation, with concerns about immigration, democracy, and other issues taking a backseat. On this front, Trump maintains a perceived advantage over Harris, with voters expressing greater confidence in his economic policies. Although the margin has narrowed since Biden was the Democratic nominee, it remains a significant obstacle for Harris to overcome.


Furthermore, President Biden's persistently low approval ratings cast a long shadow over Harris' candidacy. The historical correlation between a president's approval rating and the electoral success of their party's nominee is well-established. With Biden's approval numbers remaining stubbornly low, it is likely that this will act as a drag on Harris' chances in November.

Ed Morrissey

There has been an inordinate amount of bedwetting on the Right over the Harris honeymoon bump. It's real but it's not spectacular, and it really just reflects renewed interest in the race now that the rematch aspect is over. If Trump and the GOP force the discussion on issues and policy, the honeymoon bump will fade. 

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