Kamala Harris, Economic and Political Illiterate

Her earliest attempt at setting policy involved brazenly appropriating Donald Trump’s plan to eliminate taxes on income derived from tips, which enthused neither progressives nor anyone else who understands how broad-based income tax relief actually works. But the vice president’s first real effort to expound on her own economic thinking is no less vacuous. Ahead of what her campaign is promoting as an economic policy speech on Friday, Harris previewed her plan to reduce consumer prices. So far, it seems her plan consists of simply ordering prices to be lower. ...


In short, Harris’s proposal is not legislatively viable. It, like her no-tax-on-tips plan, is a ploy to misdirect the attention of the press away from the Biden administration-backed fiscal policies that contributed to inflation in the first place. The odd thing about Harris’s maneuver is that, despite his best efforts, that act of deception didn’t work for Biden.

Ed Morrissey

It's not a plan; it's a whine. In that sense, it shares plenty with modern progressivism and no small amount with neo-Marxism, too. David will have more shortly on this. 

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