J.D. Vance is Both Right and Wrong about Kids and Cat Ladies

It’s true that people with children can experience a profound metaphysical connection another human being that, by all descriptions, is a source of ineffable joy that simultaneously provides a tangible connection to the future. On the other hand, having children is not in and of itself a guarantee for any of this. Without a well-formed conscience and an understanding of what contributes to human flourishing, having children may not produce the anticipated bright future for parents, their children, or anyone else. Indeed, unmoored parents may be a danger to society. Mao, after all, had 10 children while neither George Washington nor James Madison had any natural children. It’s not hard to see which of these men offered greater blessings to their posterity.  


I’ve met leftist parents of several kids, but those kids, like their parents, are often resentful, narcissistic, and anti-American. It is important to remember that a good and patriotic childless person can do more for America than a large family of people who are neither good nor patriotic. 

Ed Morrissey

In other words, it's about the content of our character, rather than the content of our family tree. That's something to keep in mind as a contrast to the identitarians on the other side of the aisle. 

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