Hmmm: Climate Justice Group Trains Federal Judges

A new report by an American energy advocacy group is sounding the alarm on a legal training program that it says is "corruptly influencing the courts and destroying the rule of law to promote climate cult alarmism." 


The new report released by the American Energy Institute (AEI) alleges that the Environmental Law Institute’s Climate Judiciary Project (CJP) is "falsely portraying itself as a neutral entity teaching judges about questionable climate science." 

The report also alleges that CJP is a partner to more than two dozen public plaintiffs suing energy providers to hold them liable for damages resulting from climate change effects. To date, CJP has trained more than 2,000 state and federal judges, the report says. 

Ed Morrissey

Why would federal judges need to be "trained" at all? They are supposed to judge legal matters, not policy. Having classes conducted by litigation participants is very suspect, too. AEI has good reason to expose this practice, although given how far the Left has intruded into the Bar, I wonder how much good it will do. 

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