Keep Saying the Simple Truths

All that to say, as the culture around us becomes more and more absurd and fantastically bizarre, I find myself rolling my eyes and looking away. It's almost too insane for a sane response. ...


I believe this is the entire point of this exercise, at a molecular level. The idea is to make normal people too frustrated to chime in and speak up. The idea is to make the idea a non-idea. If you've got nothing solid to grasp, you've got nothing to argue.

This is why I think, even at the risk of sounding like a first grader, we must not shrink from responding to these dangerously childish ideas. Truth is being murdered every day, a death by a thousand paper cuts and a million TikTok accounts.

Ed Morrissey

Indeed. Adam and I talk often about this very point. The intent of queer ideology is to eliminate any concept of "normal," and that requires intimidating people out of defending normalcy. Don't let them succeed. 

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