Just How Self-Obsessed Are Media Elites? This Self-Obsessed.

But does Colbert really believe that the public views CNN as “objective”? After all, just 7 percent of the public told Gallup last year that they have a “great deal of trust in the media,” while 38% say they have no trust at all.


And yet Colbert not only thinks CNN is objective, he must have thought that his audience would agree with him. Witness how surprised he was and the discomfort it caused him, which led him to quickly change the subject.

Ed Morrissey

That level of cognitive dissonance -- and in public -- no doubt accounts for the level of discomfort. But what I find most remarkable about this is how universal the ridicule from the audience was. This is a New York crowd, fully in sync with Colbert's worldview, and yet also beyond him. 

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