Shapiro Speaks: Harris and I Both Had 'Deeply Personal' Decisions to Make

Shapiro, for now, is keeping conflicting reports about whether he turned down Harris’s offer to be her running mate or she chose Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) over him close to his chest.


“I’m not going to get into my private discussions with the vice president,” he said. “What I will say is, I said for two weeks, she had a deeply personal decision to make about who she wanted to be a running mate. And in the end, I had a deeply personal decision to make as well.”  

“I’m really, really pleased that I can stay here in Pennsylvania and do my job as governor, and I think Tim Walz is a great choice and will fill the role that she wants filled really effectively,” Shapiro said.

Shapiro didn’t say if he is at peace with where things stand, but he is adamant that he is in a good place.

Ed Morrissey

So far, Shapiro's being a good soldier among Democrats. Will that pay off for him down the road in a future presidential primary? Not if the party keeps tilting this far to the pro-Hamas Left. Shapiro had better realize that now, if he didn't before. 

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