Even More Americans Now Own Guns for Self-Defense
Jazz Shaw
There are plenty of excellent ways to exercise Second Amendment rights, such as hunting, enjoying or competing in the shooting sports or developing a firearm collection. However, the most important aspect of the Second Amendment is that it preserves the individual right to keep and bear arms to defend oneself, family and community.
A new study published in the journal Injury Prevention on July 25 shows that protection is the overwhelming reason Americans exercise their Second Amendment rights. Titled, “Firearm ownership for protection in the USA, 2023: results from a nationally representative survey,” the authors from the University of Michigan found, “Of all firearm owners, 78.8%… owned a firearm for protection.”
Moreover, the results suggest that more than half of gun owners at least sometimes exercise their Right-to-Carry. The researchers determined, “58.1%… carried a firearm outside their home in the last 12 months.”
As the researchers pointed out, the percentage of gun owners who cite protection as their reason for owning a firearm has increased in recent years.
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