Walz Exposes the Democratic Party’s Weakness for Lawlessness

If Harris had backed Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro for the role, both the far left and the Republican right would be beset with existential anxiety; progressives over their rejection by their party’s presumptive presidential nominee and Republicans over Harris’s effort to make their jobs that much harder. Both sides of the political spectrum are breathing a sigh of relief this morning, but Republicans have more reason for it: Walz exposes the Democratic Party’s fatal weakness for disorder and lawlessness. ...


By failing to confront the protests directly and without adulterating their condemnations with appeals to the false plague of “islamophobia,” Democrats made the box in which they find themselves. The far left brought them to this dance, and they’re gonna stick with them — come what may. And what’s coming is a tougher general-election campaign.

Ed Morrissey

I'm still legit stunned that Harris chose Walz. This isn't just a base turnout strategy -- it's doubling down on radicalism. 

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