Open Letter to Jewish American Democrats

Dear American Jews and all Americans,

As a Russian American Jew born in Minsk, Belorussia I have had family who have died in the Holocaust. My grandmother lost both her parents and three sisters and one brother. She survived till 94 and I was able to hear all the stories. My Grandfather Hershel Liberman was a hero at the age of 18 fighting for Russia but was left half paralyzed the rest of his life. He would go on to be a major advocate for Russian Jews coming to the United States. In 1970 he was able to get a visa and came to the US to visit his sister. At that time, he traveled and gave countless speeches in Yiddish on why it’s important to help Russian Jews immigrate to the United States.


In a meeting with the Lubavitcher Rebbe in Crown Heights, he was told that in the coming years Russian Jews will be coming to America and Israel. His efforts were one of the main reasons my family was able to get out in 1979 along with a couple hundred thousand Russian Jews. I am sure you know some Russian Jewish families who came at that time.

As a Russian Jewish American, I have never been more excited by any election. I grew up in Orthodox private schools and went to a very diverse High school in Evanston Township in a suburb of Chicago where I was respected as a good wrestler. I learned to respect others for their merits and the PC movement had become very unnatural to me because I just saw things the way they are.  Over the last 8 years I feel the Democratic movement has almost taken us down a path of no return.

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