New York’s Oldest Person Turns 112 — Shares Secret to Her Longevity

She’s one for the ages.

New York’s oldest person turned 112 this week — and said the secret to longevity is never getting married or having kids.

Louise Jean Signore — a 4-foot-5 firecracker from the Bronx’s Co-op City — said she has lived a long, happy life because she’s smoke-free, booze-free and free of a spouse and children.


“That’s why I am living. That’s why I am OK because I didn’t get married … no marriage, no children. I’d rather be single,” she told The Post on Friday, two days after her historic birthday. 

“When you are married you have a lot of trouble.”

Beege Welborn

There's a character for you. 

Although a future full of cat lady Karens at the rate we're going sounds terrifyingly possible.

Happy birthday, Mademoiselle.

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